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"Professor David Bradford teaches a class called High Performance Leadership in which he challenges the concept of a heroic leader who knows and does all well, charging ahead to lead her flock at all times. He suggests instead, a much humbler candidate who is not only aware of her limitations, but is also willing to acknowledge them with her team, so that each may help her (whether by complementing or coaching) to compensate for those weaknesses. By establishing a culture in which self-improvement is the standard, this leader enables a grounded and high-performing team. It is this ability to work together to gauge what’s most appropriate – to put egos aside and focus on the task at hand – that makes for great impact.
David Bradford has completely set me free from trying to hide my imperfections and has given me a set of tools to try to expand my limitations and shape my best self. What a gift!" –Onsu Natalie Wegner (MSx ’16)
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Photo by Toni Bird
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