Memorial Day: UAlbany MBA Students Helping Honor Flight Program - TWC News
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Memorial Day: UAlbany MBA Students Helping Honor Flight Program - TWC News
TWC News | Memorial Day: UAlbany MBA Students Helping Honor Flight Program TWC News "The last day of classes June 4th, coincidentally Honor Flight has a leaving for D.C. and we hope to be there to see them off and wish them well," UAlbany Weekend MBA 2016 Cohort Jason Leszczynski said. "It's one thing to support a cause and donate to ... |
Jumeirah employee wins $26000 MBA scholarship - Trade Arabia
Trade Arabia | Jumeirah employee wins $26000 MBA scholarship Trade Arabia Stephanie HonorĂ©, an Australian national working at Jumeirah Group, has secured a fully-funded MBA scholarship worth $26,000 from Modul University Dubai. It is a subsidiary of Dubai Investments Industries and Austria's leading international private ... and more » |
Stanford Graduate School of Business - Facebook page
Stanford Graduate School of Business photo 1148735025147902

This wonderful cultural exchange that ensued would not have been possible without the effort and coordination of the planning leadership team. One of my teammates later shared with me that my love for Honduras and my desire to successfully execute the first-ever trip to my country really drove them to go above and beyond. This experience taught me to never underestimate the motivating power of passion." –Carolina Rivera (MBA ’16)
View more #gsbinthemoment student portraits and reflections:
Photo by Toni Bird
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