How Dow Does China

Columbia Business School - Facebook page
How Dow Does China
How Dow Does China

“With China, it’s a matter of choice. We can all choose to participate in the new China.”

The CEO of the world's second largest chemical company said both Dow and China are undergoing critical transformations.

Yale School of Management - Facebook page
How Viacom Could Have Avoided Its ‘Game of Thrones’ Leadership Saga
How Viacom Could Have Avoided Its ‘Game of Thrones’ Leadership Saga

Yale School of Management Senior Associate Dean Jeffrey Sonnenfeld takes a closer look at "Monarchs," his label for a type of long-tenured CEO such as Sumner Redstone, Rupert Murdoch, and Warren Buffett.

Sonnenfeld finds that Monarch CEOs are often brilliant visionaries whose personal identities become fully fused with their roles at work, becoming blinded by their visions and unable to leave office gracefully.

Sumner Redstone's iron grip on power is nothing new. Facebook, Alibaba, Amazon, take note.


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